
Yaari lab is looking for an outstanding and motivated Lab Manager

4 ספטמבר, 2022

The lab focus on developing novel nanotechnologies for monitoring and treating inflammatory diseases

The lab focus on developing novel nanotechnologies for monitoring and treating inflammatory diseases using Optical Nanosensors and Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery.

Potential Applicants should have:

Ph.D. in STEM sciences - pharmacy, material sciences, engineering, biomedicine, chemistry, physics, and medicine

Hands-on experience with rodent models. - Advantage

Experience in cell biology, cancer, and immunology – Advantage

Experience in drug delivery platforms – Advantage

Experience in nanomaterials – Advantage

Experience in optics, NIR sensors - Advantage

Writing scientific papers.

Team leader, mentor, and good team player.

Problem-solving and multi-tasking skills.

You are most welcome to apply and email Asst. Professor Zvi Yaari: zvi.yaari@mail.huji.ac.il


For additional details: https://huji.hunterhrms.com/job-details/?jobcode=JB-4149


The Yaari Lab for Sensing Nanomaterials & Controlled Release Technologies is looking for outstanding Master's and Ph.D. students!

4 ספטמבר, 2022

The lab focus on developing novel nanotechnologies for monitoring and treating inflammatory diseases using Optical Nanosensors and Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery.

The Yaari lab is multidisciplinary that includes nanomaterials, NIR optical nanosensors, nanoparticles, drug delivery, and inflammation in pre-clinical models.

Potential candidates should have experience in STEM areas such as pharmacy, material sciences, engineering, biomedicine, chemistry, physics, and medicine.

To Apply, please email Asst. Professor Zvi Yaari and submit your CV to: zvi.yaari@mail.huji.ac.il



לבית הספר לרוקחות דרוש/ה יועץ/ת תומך/ת (יות"מ) + רכז/ת נתונים

14 נובמבר, 2021


תיאור תפקיד יות"מ:

יועץ/ת תומך/ת פועל מטעם דיקנט הסטודנטים בבית הספר לרוקחות לסיוע לסטודנטים לתואר ראשון

בשנים הראשונות המתקשים בלימודיהם ושקיים חשש לנשירתם מהלימודים האקדמאים . ליועץ/ת

תינתן הדרכה והכשרה מהיחידה לשוויון הזדמנויות בדיקנט הסטודנטים וכפיפותו/ה הינה הן לבית

הספר והן ליחידה לשוויון הזדמנויות

>> לפרטים נוספים <<

PhD position in the Hebrew University – Addiction and Learning and Memory

14 נובמבר, 2021

 A PhD position is available at the laboratory of Prof. Rami Yaka at the School of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Medicine, the Hebrew University. The lab investigates the neural pathways and synaptic changes underlying addiction. The main focus for the current position is the engagement of learning and memory mechanisms (LTP, LTD) in addiction and how manipulations of these changes can prevent relapse. We study these questions in transgenic mice using state-of-the-art electrophysiological, optogenetics, pharmacogenetics and behavioral tools. Experience with electrophysiology or behavior is a plus.


Highly motivated candidates are welcome to contact:

Prof. Rami Yaka


